276 High Street, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

Open Mon-Fri: 10AM to 7PM, Sat: 10AM to 5PM, Sun: 10AM to 2PM

Open Mon-Fri: 5PM to 10PM, Sat: 12PM to 8PM, Sun: 12PM to 6PM

Make an Appointment 888-405-1738
Animal Hospital of Perth Amboy Make an Appointment 888-405-1738
Health Certificates

Health Certificates

International and Interstate Health Certificates for Pets

If you’re going to be traveling internationally or across state lines and plan to take your pet with you, it’s important to be aware of exactly what will be required for your animal companion to make the trip. It’s also a good idea to make sure your pet is physically healthy enough for travel.

The veterinarians at Animal Hospital of Perth Amboy are USDA-accredited and can assist you in getting your pet ready for your trip, including assessing whether they’re healthy enough for travel—especially the rigors of an airline flight.

International travel for pets requires international health certificates—and some countries require proof of additional vaccinations and testing. You will find the certificate and other information about what’s required for your pet to travel at the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) page from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). While the certificate must be prepared by a USDA-accredited veterinarian, the requirements for entry are established by each individual country.

Once your veterinarian completes the health certificate, it will need to be submitted for endorsement by mail or in person at your local USDA-APHIS Veterinary Services Export Service Office. There is an endorsement fee based on destination requirements.

Every country has unique requirements when it comes to international travel health certificates for pets. All relevant certificates need to be completed according to the laws and regulations of the country you’re traveling to. You will also need to research the time frame in which the country requires the certificates be completed. Many countries ask that you have the certificates ready to file 5-10 days prior to your travel date. Other countries are more flexible. Bottom line: do your homework and take care to adhere to the rules each country has put in place.

If you’re traveling with your pet from state to state, there may be some health and documentation requirements. Your first step should be checking the USDA-APHIS page for interstate travel.

If you have further questions or want to schedule an appointment for your pet prior to travel, call us at 888-405-1738. Bon voyage!

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